
Everyone Has A Bad Day

Having an important role and being hard on yourself can be tough

Work doesn’t always go as planned and sometimes no matter how much you love your job you’ll have a bad day. You’ll even have jealous people try to bring you down from time to time. Well no matter what has caused your workday to be bad I just want you to know you are absolutely positively without a doubt amazing at your job. You work extremely hard and you do a pretty good job too. They chose you for a reason and you will never be a choice they regret. Why do i think this? Easy its because you're freaking amazing that’s why! Amazing, amazing, amazing you. Your position, your spot, your pay, you earned it. It wasn’t handed to you. So be proud and be happy. Even when the days are rough even when the workers are annoying, because in the end you’re doing what you love right? Everyone has a bad day at work, everyone has a day where they make mistakes too. Live, learn and power through ! I believe in you 😁.

You're amazing never doubt that!

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She believed so she did
You never fail when you try

You havent failed at anything you set your mind to so far, pretty good reason to be confident

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You learn more from making mistakes then never making any at all.

Mistakes are just learning experiences, let them make you better not bring you down.