
She Thinks She's Alone

How can you be alone when you have so many people who care for you

So you think you're alone huh? Well you're never alone there will always be someone there for you because you are loved. It might be a boyfriend, freind or family member maybe even this website, but you're not alone. If things ever get tough dont be afraid to reach out. The people who really care will never hesitate to come to your side when you need it. Most importantly you will always have your dad. He's the boulder that will never move no matter how many friends, or boyfriends come and go. He will always be there. Just being typical, amazing, best dad ever. Never feel alone because there is always someone there for you. This site is a prime example right. Cheer up, you're not alone and its people who will do their best to make sure you never are.

You're never alone becuase you will always have us.

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Cute Huh?
You're never alone

That person you want near you may not be there pysically but they're still there in your heart just like you're in theirs

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You have an amazing dad

Is there is anyone on this earth that cares about you more than me? Of course and no one can hold a candle to your dad!!