
Battles Won, Battles Lost

Everything will be ok thats a promise

First… I'm glad you’re still here and that you’re ok. I hope you’re not in pain and I want you to know I’m here if you need anything. Sometimes its hard to tell if anyone likes you, you know you shouldn't care but you do. I know sometimes its even hard to love yourself. Well even if you don't like yourself we still love you. We love your smile, we love how determined you are. We love how you care so much about others you cant help but think about their feelings before you do things. Its a lot to love about you. You're also a joy to be around. You’re fun, goofy and even with all your problems your good qualities outweigh them. You lost this round but you won many others. Those scars are nothing to be ashamed of because after each and every one you’re still here. Thank god for that because a world without you isn’t a world alot of people would want to face. So chin up and lets give it our best shot again. Its not about how many times you get knocked down, its about getting up after getting knocked down. So many people believe in you and they will never stop. So in return do your best and keep trying for everyone.

Be the fighter we know you are and never give up

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What are sleeves for

We lost today but lets not let it effect tomorrow ok?

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I will pull you out of every dark place you find yourself in

Its ok now. Cry, scream, do whatever, you have people here and I promise everything will be ok.