
Tomorrow Is A Bit Scary

Sleep is your super power.... But only during the day

Up all night and its not on purpose ? Its cool I know sometimes its just hard to go to sleep. Maybe you slept all day or maybe you're a little nervous about waking up to a new day. What ever the reason is just try to relax things will be ok. I know its easier said than done but I have a few recommendations. Bug someone you know you can text late and just see what they're doing. You never know somone out there may be having the same kind of night as you. Try to watch something or do something that can keep you busy until your body does the job of going to sleep for you. Read a book or have youtube read one to you. Snuggle up with that blanket and do that hand thing. That blanket is magical. Have a little late night snack or even sit on the stairs and just get some fresh air. If everything fails just message someone you're close to. You would be surprised by how often some people might be awake.

It might be late but that doesnt mean everyone has gone away. Im sure someones awake too

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He makes it look so easy

I would like some tips from this little guy.

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He has a wittle blanky

Look its you!!