
Lets Switch It Up

Every great plan sounds kinda bad at first right?

This is going to be a hard one. I never really know how to respond when you get the numb feeling. But I do know you hate feeling that way. I don’t know what triggers it or what makes it go away so I’ll just try to talk to you for now. I don’t like when you’re numb, it just looks like an extremely deep sadness and seeing you sad sucks. I wish I could take all your pains and burdens and carry them for you, what are friends for right. Things are never that easy though and that’s fine life is life. So I just do what I can when I can and you should too. Make sure you eat so later on you won’t have a hard time. Make sure you move around and occupy yourself so you don’t get too lost in thought. If you can’t bring yourself to do anything that’s fine too. Sometimes laying there in silence is the best medicine, I do it from time to time too. We’re not normal but who out there actually is? If normal people like that actually do exist, they’re freaking weirdos for not being weirdos in my eyes. I think everyone has a problem or many but I also think the key is being able to accept and confront our problems instead of shaming ourselves for having them. So yea this moment is going to suck so yea it most likely will happen again, but we also know it will end too. So meh I’ve run out of fight lately too let’s just go with our own flow for now. Let’s get our numb on. Yes the plan this time is to just go with it, genius right?.

A tactical retreat isnt really a loss

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It's Ok To Be Numb

We are who we are and thats ok, why beat ourselves up about it? Lets just be ourselves this once and take a little break.