
One Sad Girl

Have no fear Im still kinda sorta here!

I know life is hard and sometimes your mind just isn’t on your side. You feel like you’re not normal and you just wish you were. Its ok to have those feelings. Its ok to feel sad, even if you think you shouldn’t be or lack the right to be. Your feelings matter and someone will always be there to listen to them. It doesnt matter if you’re sad because you think someone’s ignoring you, or if you’re over thinking something silly that may have happened recently. No matter how small the issue your feelings about it still matter. It might not be anyone there to hold and comfort you but that doesn’t mean they're not still around to help. Try to smile even just a little, think of the nice things even if its hard and you feel like there isn’t any. If you feel like you’ve run out of those sweet sweet things to smile or feel nice about just make more. With your dad, a close friend, or boyfriend. Remember the people who love you will always be there for you.

Stay strong you're pretty amazing when you set your mind to something

Pic 01

Upside down
like that frown should be

You have a talent for being sad but you've also been powering through that sadness all your life. Smile for me, I know you can do it.

Pic 02

This cat is still cute even though hes making a weird face. It reminds me of you

You're pretty blessed dont forget that. Just like this cat you're still cute even with a silly or sad look on your face. Lets cheer up ok?