
If You Can’t Do It, It Can’t Be Done

Come on I know how tough you are

Welcome to get motivate staring you. You’re down in the dumps and you don’t have any gas left in the confidence tank huh ? Have no fear your personal motivation trainer is here ! First things first, what’s one huge accomplishment you’re proud of? Could be finishing college could be something you did at work, it could even be that one amazing meal you made that one time and someone complimented it. Think about it, now node your head and go “hmm I’m pretty good at things when I try”. Yea you are !! You’re amazing and you don’t even know it. You’re probably so use to being amazing that the great things you do seem normal or go unnoticed by yourself. Have confidence! Think of all the hardships you got through and all accomplishments you made. Do you think those were just flukes ? Nope they were the outcome of an amazing person doing amazing things. So step up to this new challenge and knock it out the park in your typical fashion. You don’t want to embarrass me do you ? I’m like your biggest fan. Make me proud and get out there and do that thing you’re putting off or being scared of.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Haaaaaa! You got this!


You Can Do It!

I dont know what it is but I know you can handle it.